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Backstory Month: Rising Darkness
Backstory Month: Rising Darkness

Release DateJuly 1, 2015
Characters Masked Malice
Blood Rose
Red Fire
Blue Water
...And more!
Location(s) Taishoki City

Backstory Month: Rising Darkness

Backstory Month: Rising Darkness was a comic series done for Backstory Month 2015. It follows the story of how two average citizens of Taishoki City become two of the most fearsome supervillains around.

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Plot Synopsis

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When his boss, Mr. Takaguchi, yells at him to make sure to finish the report by tomorrow morning, Teinei Takushubi is annoyed, wishing he could tell off his boss for being rude, but doesn't want to risk being fired. He secretly laments being so afraid of negative consequences. Meanwhile, Kaiji Akoro writes in her diary about how another date bailed on her, and wishes that she wasn't such a doormat.

The darkness hears these wishes, and decides to grant them, by giving the two of them the powers of darkness. Kaiji, upon discovering her telekinetic powers, vows to be a powerful supervillain that no one will mess with, and runs off to get some supplies to make herself a costume. Teinei, meanwhile, ignores the call of the darkness, dismissing it as crazy, only deciding to investigate further when he's stalled in traffic and bored. He heads to a secluded area, and quickly discovers that he has explosive powers. Not wanting to be discovered, he reaches an epiphany, putting on his mask and realizing the power he's been given to make a statement without anyone recognizing him.

While they're doing this, they're each stopped by members of the Niji Chikara—Teinei meets Red Fire and Blue Water, while Kaiji meets Green Nature. While Teinei battles with Red and Blue, as shown in Villain Week 2015 - Masked Malice, Kaiji flees from Green, refusing to give back her stolen fabric. After some effort, and after discovering more of her powers, Kaiji is able to escape, and returns home to make her costume. Teinei, meanwhile, returns home after his own battle and tells his wife Kietsu that he needs a nap.

The next morning, Teinei realizes he forgot to finish Mr. Takaguchi's report, rushes to finish it before Takaguchi arrives. He manages to get the report in, but it is incomplete and vague, which angers Takaguchi and prompts him to fire Teinei. Teinei is enraged, and goes on a rampage, which is seen on the news. Kaiji sees the report at work, and, hoping to meet the mysterious new villain, tries to convince her manager to evacuate the building, but to no avail. Teinei is stopped by the Niji Chikara before Kaiji can get off work, which disappoints her.

Teinei returns home and consoles his wife, who saw the news report and was afraid that Teinei had been killed. Teinei assures her that he's alright, but that it has been another long day and needs a nap. However, he doesn't sleep, instead frustrated that he was beaten by the Niji Chikara. Finally, he vows that he needs to become more powerful, and runs off to another abandoned alleyway to train.

Having been let off of work, Kaiji decides to head downtown as well, decked in her full villain garb and ready for action. However, she finds that the police are on high alert and patrolling the area, and doesn't want to make herself an easy target. Just before she can go home, she overhears one of Teinei's explosions, and hurries off to meet him. She catches a chunk of rubble before it can land on him, making her introduction...