Last updated: 1/1/2024

AmysGames Entertainment respects the privacy of its users. AmysGames Entertainment does not collect any personal information from users without their consent.

AmysGames Entertainment makes use of some third party services, including some limited tracking to filter out bot activity, advertisements, and the search bar. As of our last review of their respective privacy policies, these third parties may collect IP addresses and some other anonymous usage information from their users. AmysGames Entertainment will never sell or make use of this information for nefarious purposes. To see their privacy policies in full, please visit the following links:

AmysGames Entertainment is not responsible for content on any third party websites linked to on our website, be it provided by AmysGames Entertainment, advertisers, or otherwise. However, AmysGames Entertainment will not knowingly link users to any harmful websites, and if any such links exist, we will have them removed as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Thank you!